Many photographers actually go out of their way to create lens flares for the enhanced aesthetic that it can create. Lens flares can be used to accentuate certain scenes or moods. A lens flare is an aesthetic feature that is produced when a bright light source is directly shined into the lens of a camera, resulting in a glimmering rainbow of refracted light. A variety of lenses, filters, and lighting can be used to create unique lens flares, often eliciting an emotional response from viewers. Through the use of lens flares, filmmakers are able to evoke a feeling of nostalgia, romance, and beauty that often serves to make a film more memorable.
The first lens flares were unintentionally caused by untreated glass surfaces, and began to be intentionally used by cinematographers in the early 1900s. By the 1950s, lens flares had become popular for their use in enhancing cinematic aesthetics and creating memorable shots. Today, digital lens flares can be generated within post-production software and are used for both artistic and technical purposes.
A lens flare isn’t a style for everyone. I personally love the look but understand not all of my clients will appreciate it. I try to give a variety of shots, some with the lens flare and some without. Here are a few examples of images with and with out the lens flare.

February 1, 2023